Saturday, January 15, 2011

New lessons and version

I'm teaching part 2 of the BlueJ textbook this term. Since I have had lots of successes with using Env3D on part 1 of the book, I figure it is time to work on lessons based on part 2.

I decided to use the "Foxes and Rabbits" simulation from Chapter 10 as inspiration for my new lessons. The result is "Fox vs Tux". Here is a video of how it looks:

I have also been experimenting with terrain generation (as the flat surface gets kind of boring after a while). The latest version of Env3D has the ability to generate outdoor terrains (the documentation is under Part III of the Env3D lessons). Here is a video of the "Fox vs Tux" simulation taking place in an outdoor environment:

You can find the new lessons under the "Lessons" link on

Friday, January 7, 2011 launched

Very exciting news -- Over Christmas, one of my students, Kenny, decided to create a community website for Env3D. The result is This new site has lots of features, including community forums, applet sharing, and all of the lessons from the old sourceforge site.

Enjoy the new site and give us some feedback on our forum!

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