Saturday, May 18, 2013

Env3D at the Vancouver Android Meetup

Vandrico, in partnership with the Vancouver Android Developer meetup group is hosting an env3d meetup on June 5, 2013.  I will be doing a small presentation followed by hands-on demo on how to create play store ready android apps using env3d.  If you live in the Greater Vancouver area, we would love to have you come out and meet us in person, try out the development tools, and chat over beers! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

First env3d android app available on the google play store!

After months of hard work testing the android deployment option, we are thrilled to release our first env3d demo app on the Google play store!  It is a free app and you can get it at  We want to thank Vandrico Solutions for sponsoring this activity, as well as the on going hosting of env3d website.

Of course this is only a demo app, but proves that it is now possible to go from 0 to app store in less than 5 minutes!  The only limit is your imagination!  To create an apk file that you can submit to the app store, simply select the “Create Android Package (Release)” option from the “Env3D Deploy Menu”.

Another major update is that the Android deploy options are now available for the NetBeans plugin.  So user can choose to work in either BlueJ or NetBeans environments.

Coming soon: a video tutorial on using the NetBeans plugin to create env3d android apps!  Stay tuned :D